Our Constitution was written by the first steering committee in collaboration with the Housing liaison officer of St Albans, and adopted by a General meeting of all Sopwell residents on 6th June 2003. In addition to our Constitution, we have a number of policies that reflect our values. See all SRA policies by clicking here.
- Name
- Aims/Objectives
- Membership
- Subscription
- Management
- Annual General Meeting
- General Meetings
- Special General Meeting
- Rules for Procedure
- Finance
- Dissolution
- Amendments to the Constitution
The name of the Association shall be THE SOPWELL RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION.
To work for and represent the residents of Sopwell ward. To uphold equal opportunities and work for good relations amongst members of the Sopwell community. To promote an on going process of consultation between users and providers of the housing services and other organisations. To organise social activities which will be open to all members. To create a safer community. To create a better sense of community. To improve the environment.
Membership of the Association shall be open and an equal opportunity to be given to all, irrespective of political party, nationality, race, colour, religious belief, sexual orientation, marital status and disability to all persons living in the area covered by the
The annual subscriptions if any, will be determined at the Annual General Meeting.
- The Association shall be managed by the Management Committee to be elected at the Annual General Meeting
- The Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and a maximum of fifteen (15) other members
- If vacancies occur among officers or the Committee, the Committee shall have the power to fill them from the full members without waiting for an AGM. The Management Committee and/or its Chairperson shall have the power to co-opt members of groups represented on the Estate to the committee and its working parties with the aim of making the Committee more representative of residents of the area and to encourage equal opportunities.
- The quorum will be a quarter or five (5) whichever the greater.
Annual General Meeting
- The Committee shall call an Annual General Meeting for the purpose of: receiving the annual report of the Committee; the audited statement of accounts; and accepting any resignations of the Committee; electing a new Committee; and voting, where necessary on proposals to amend the Constitution.
- The quorum will consist of twelve (12) voting members.
General Meetings
- The Committee shall arrange to hold a minimum of two (2) General Meetings per year which shall be open to all members.
- The quorum will consist of twelve (12) voting members.
Special General Meeting
The Chairperson or secretary may at any time call a special meeting of the Association, either for the purpose of altering the constitution or for considering any matter that the Committee may decide should be referred to the Members in general. The meeting shall be called at the request of not less than three-quarters (3/4) of the Committee members or fifty (50) full members.
Rules for Procedure
Meetings of the Committee shall be conducted in accordance with this Constitution.
- All monies raised on behalf of the Association shall be applied to further the aims of the Association and for no other purpose.
- The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finances of the Association and shall open an account in the name of the Association.
- Two out of four nominated officers shall sign cheques on behalf of the Association.
The accounts shall be audited once a year by auditors appointed at the Annual General Meeting.
- The Association may only be dissolved at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose and if notice is given not less than twenty-one (21) days before the meeting.
- A proposal to dissolve the Association shall take effect only if agreed by two-third of the members present at the meeting.
- Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be applied towards charitable purposes of the inhabitants of St. Albans as the Committee may decide.
Amendments to the Constitution
Any amendments to the Constitution shall require a two-thirds majority of members present and voting at the General Meeting. Twenty-one (21) days notice of the meeting is required giving the wording of the proposed alteration.